The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinicswas founded on March 31, 1984.

At the inaugural general meeting, Dr. Chang-Guk Jeong (Formerly affiliated with Seoul National University College of Veterinary Medicine) was elected as the first president, and Professor Hwa-Jung Yoon (Formerly affiliated with Konkuk University College of Veterinary Medicine), Director Dong-Ho Yoon, and Professor In-Ho Jang (Formerly affiliated with Kyungpook National University College of Veterinary Medicine) were appointed as vice-presidents. The main promoters were clinical professors from veterinary schools nationwide, and many practicing veterinarians participated.

The primary goals of the Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics were the development and improvement of clinical veterinary medicine and the advocacy of friendship and rights among clinical veterinarians. In addition, the first News Letter was distributed to each member on May 30, 1984, to deliver clinical veterinary information quickly.

When the Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics was established, it decided to hold a regular general meeting and academic research presentation every March and an academic lecture every year in late September. Currently, these academic presentations are held in May-June and October-November, respectively.

Currently, the Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics Journal is registered to the UK CAB ABSTRACTS DATABASE and registered in the VETERINARY BULLETIN VETERINARIANS, and has been steadily sending journals to SCI for SCI registration for several years.

1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea, Seoul national university, College of Veterinary medicine
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