The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics Rules

Revised on March 31, 1984. (Rule 1)
Revised on May 21, 1988 (Rule 4)
Revised on May 12, 1990 (Rule 5)
Revised on July 20, 2002 (Rule 16)
Revised on November 22, 2002 (Rule 17)
Revised on November 16, 2003 (Rule 18)
Revised on November 4, 2006 (Rule 19)
Revised on October 20, 2007 (Rule 20)
Revised on October 16, 2010 (Rule 21)

Chapter 1: General Provisions
Article 1 (Name) This association is called the Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.

Article 2 (Organization) This association comprises clinical veterinarians and veterinarians engaged in veterinary clinical education and research.

Article 3 (Office) In principle, the office of this association shall be located at the venue of the meeting but may be relocated according to a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Article 4 (Branches, Subcommittees (Departments), and Affiliated Organizations) The Association may have branches, subcommittees (departments), and affiliated organizations as necessary. The Board of Directors determines details regarding branches and subcommittees. The Korean Association of Education for Veterinary Clinics will be established as an affiliated organization, and details regarding this will follow the Korean Association of Education for Veterinary Clinics regulations.

Chapter 2 Purpose and Business
Article 5 (Purpose) The association aims to promote friendship among members, defend the rights and interests of clinical veterinarians, and contribute to the academic development of the veterinary clinical field.

Article 6 (Business) The following projects will be promoted to achieve the purpose of this association.
1. Academic presentations 2. Academic lectures 3. Academic journal publication 4. International academic exchange 5. Other projects deemed necessary

Chapter 3 Members
Article 7 (Composition of Members) The members of this association comprise regular members, student members, and supporting members.

Article 8 (Membership Qualifications) Regular members shall be clinical veterinarians and veterinarians engaged in education and research in the clinical veterinary field. Student members shall be students enrolled in a graduate school of veterinary medicine and be recommended by a professor who is a member of this association. Supporting members are persons or organizations that agree with the association's purpose and have paid the supporting members’ fee but must obtain approval from the Board of Directors.

Article 9 (Obligations and Rights of Members) Regular members of the association have the obligation to pay membership fees, comply with the rules of the association and all resolutions at the general meeting, and have the right to vote and be elected.

Article 10 (Loss of Membership) Any member who fails to pay membership fees for more than one year or who brings disgrace to the association's reputation will lose membership, per the resolution of the Board of Directors.

Chapter 4 Executives
Article 11 (Officers) The association shall have the following executives; 1. One President, 2. Seven Vice-Presidents, 3. Some Directors, 4. Three Auditors, 5. One Executive Director, 6. One Secretary General, 7. Academic Committee Chairperson, Secretary, and Some Members, 8. Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor and Some Members

Article 12 (Election of Officers) The President and vice-presidents are elected by the Board of Directors before the regular general meeting. Directors and auditors are elected at the general meeting, and the president appoints the executive director, secretary general, academic committee chairman, and editor-in-chief.

Article 13 (Term of Office) The term of office of the officers of this association shall be two years, but the president may not be reappointed.

Article 14 (Duties of Officers) 1. The president represents the association, presides over the affairs of the association, and chairs the general meeting and Board of Directors. 2. The vice-presidents assist the president and conduct the association's affairs in the event of the president's absence. One of the vice presidents oversees the Korean Association of Education for Veterinary Clinics. 3. Directors participate in the Board of Directors, and standing directors organize the affairs of the company under the president's orders. 4. The auditor audits the property and affairs of the association and may attend the Board of Directors meetings to state their opinion. 5. The secretary general assists the executive director and is responsible for records and accounting. 6. The academic committee chairperson, secretary, and members participate in planning academic events. 7. The editor-in-chief, managing editor, and committee members participate in any work related to publishing the journal.

Article 15 (Advisor) This association may have an advisor. Advisors have contributed to the association's development and are recommended by the Board of Directors and appointed at the general meeting.

Article 16 (Staff) A paid clerk may be appointed to handle the association's affairs. The president appoints any such clerks.

Chapter 5 Meetings
Article 17 (General Meeting) The association holds regular and extraordinary general meetings. The regular general meeting is held within two months after the end of the fiscal year. The extraordinary general meeting is convened by the president with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Article 18 (Assembly of General Meeting) The general meeting shall be assembled by the number of regular members in attendance, and a majority of the number of regular members in attendance shall make resolutions.

Article 19 (Resolution at the General Meeting) The general meeting deliberates and decides on the following matters; 1. Report on the association’s affairs 2. Budget and settlement of accounts 3. Election of executives 4. Revision of rules 5. Business plans

Article 20 (Board of Directors) The Board of Directors consists of the senior management and the directors, and is convened at the president's request, or at the request of more than 1/3 of the directors. A majority of board members establishes the Board of Directors and resolves the following matters; 1. Election of the senior management 2. Agenda for the general meeting 3. Matters related to membership fees and collection of membership fees 4. Issues related to membership registration and expulsion 5. Issues related to the operation of the association 6. Issues pertaining to awards 7. Other necessary matters

Article 21 (Academic Committee, Academic Subcommittee, Editorial Committee, Research Ethics Committee, and Laboratory Animal Ethics Committee) This association may have an academic committee, academic subcommittee, editorial committee, research ethics committee, and laboratory animal ethics committee to carry out its tasks smoothly. The Research Ethics Committee has separate regulations.

Chapter 6 Finance
Article 22 (Financial Resources) The financial resources of this association shall be entrance fees, annual membership fees, supporting members’ fees, group membership fees, subsidies, and other income.

Article 23 (Accounting) The fiscal year of this association shall be from January 1 to the end of December every year.

Chapter 7 Awards
Article 24 (Awards) The association may have a reward system. This system is determined separately.

Supplementary Provisions
Article 1 (Other) Matters not specified in the rules of this association shall follow customary practices.

Article 2 (Promulgation) The rules of this association shall come into effect on March 31, 1984.

Supplementary Provisions

Article 1 (Promulgation) The rules of this association shall come into effect on May 21, 1988.

Supplementary Provisions
Article 1 (Promulgation) The rules of this association shall come into effect on May 12, 1990.

Supplementary Provisions
Article 1 (Promulgation) The rules of this association shall come into effect on July 21, 2002.

Supplementary Provisions

Article 1 (Promulgation) The rules of this association shall come into effect on November 23, 2002.

Supplementary Provisions
Article 1 (Promulgation) The rules of this association shall come into effect on November 17, 2003.

Supplementary Provisions
Article 1 (Promulgation) The rules of this association shall come into effect on November 4, 2006.

Supplementary Provisions
Article 1 (Promulgation) The rules of this association shall come into effect on October 20, 2007.

Supplementary Provisions

Article 1 (Promulgation) The rules of this association shall come into effect on October 16, 2010.

1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea, Seoul national university, College of Veterinary medicine
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Copyrigt (c) 2019 The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.